Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election 2016 - It makes me sick

I had problems sleeping last night. I am sick to my stomach this morning. Why? I must vote. It sickens me that either Donald J. Trump or Hillary R. Clinton will be a successor to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt.

I have voted proudly for President since the general election of 1988. I can make no such proud vote today. I participate, but I am not optimistic. We are a country of polarization. Gone are the days when Tip O'Neil and Ronald Reagan could argue during the day and then share dinner together. The 24 hour news cycle has turned us into a country of arguments not ideas.

The Constitution itself is "The Great Compromise." The Virginia Plan, and the New Jersey Plan gave way to the Connecticut Compromise. A bicameral legislature with an independent executive. The give and take of compromise created the strongest country of the last 225+ years.

Polls and pundits matter more than people. We are statistics. To them I am a white, male, college educated, Democratic between 35-54 years old. I prefer to be known as father, husband, or PUBLIC school administrator. I am polled and predictions made based upon my "demographic."

The national Republican Party does NOT represent me. The national Democratic Party does NOT represent me. In the past I have voted for people, not parties. So today my priority will not be who is the best person, but rather who will do the least damage. My priority is as follows: I want judicial review as established by Marbury v. Madison not judicial activism. I am pro-life not just for the unborn child but for the criminally condemned. Protection from the infringement of government upon my individual liberties. Freedom of religion, NOT freedom from religion.

So today in addition to voting, I will pray for this one nation under God. I pray this country "has a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

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